Yankee Aroma Direct
CHALLENGE: Although this organization is no longer in operation, gospel missionaries to the U.K., had a dilemma: how to fund their ministry endeavors in a territory notoriously inhospitable toward gospel work in a way that would not just ‘sustain’, but actually grow forward with the increasing ministry need.
After years of developing and growing a successful yet time-consuming Christian Gift brand for the U.K., they felt they needed to multiply their income for the time they were spending, exponentially.
SOLUTION: Identifying a ‘tent-making’ skill (which is what their previous attempts represented for them), was no longer enough. A ‘tent-multiplying’ skill was needed. Upon identifying a growth sector, the owners contracted Robison Creative to launch into the general gift market with a two-pronged 'Candles and Coffee’ business strategy, in both a local shop and an online presence, and becoming a Yankee Candle reseller was as great a springboard as any.
After strategic brand-storm sessions, it was determined they needed a look and feel that was a special as the Yankee Candle brand, while reflecting the special charm of their U.K. countryside.
After a brief series of exploratory concepts, the creative conclusion gave way to a more ‘upscale country’ feel, consisting of a white washed wood panel backdrop to serve as the skin for the site as well as a backdrop for posters, banners, and other print collateral.
A photo-realistic logo enclosure helped set the tone for the brand identity along with custom decorative elements that supported it through the change of seasons.
No attention to detail was spared, as each website slider and product image on the homepage, was treated as window display art, not simply commerce content filler.
The results: The owners and full-time staff were kept busy with a continual flow of happy customers to a third place for coffee enthusiasts and gift-seekers, while their online presence helped them achieve the number 1 position in sales for Yankee Candles in the U.K. No small potatoes for a missionary couple to the U.K., and Yankee Candle has taken note, by giving them the most preferred status among U.K. resellers.
NEXT STEPS: If you are an organizational leader with a mandate to increase your reach or effectiveness in communication, we strongly encourage you to engage Robison Creative for your next endeavor. Whether your need lies within core brand strategy, web development, email design, video production, photography, social media deployment or print collateral, we can fill the bill.